Fee Schedule
Download REQUIRED Cover Sheet
Please be aware there is a new Summary Sheet which is required for all land documents submitted for recording.
You may download it here.
After March 31, 2020, improper Document Summary Sheets will be rejected. Thank you for your cooperation.
Cover Sheet Requirement
Effective May 1, 2017
In compliance with P.L. 2011, c. 217 (NJSA 46:26A-5), all customers who record documents in hard copy format via U.S. Mail, express, courier or over the counter, a cover sheet is required. This requirement became effective on May 1, 2017.
PLEASE NOTE: This is considered an additional page per document and requires an additional $10.00 fee. Flat Fee documents will not require any additional payment.
Until March 31, 2020, a $20.00 additional fee will be charged for documents submitted without a Cover Sheet. The cost of indexing the document is charged per NJSA 46:26A-5(c).
Documents received with an outdated Document Summary Sheets will be rejected.
Additional Important Information
- All fees payable to the Salem County Clerk must be paid by Cash, Money Order or Check only. We do NOT accept Debit or Credit Cards
- Any check in excess of $5,000 MUST be a certified check,
- Documents must be mailed-in or e-Filed. See: https://salemcountyclerk.org/clerks-office-expands-into-erecording-of-many-land-documents/ for details on how to create an eFile account.
- ALL “Cancellations” must be mailed, no electronic filing.
- ALL Land Documents that contain a “Non-Resident Seller’s Tax Declaration (GIT/REP-1)”.
- Salem County Clerk does NOT accept $3.00 Homeless Fees at this time.
$30 for 1st page $10 for each additional page $10 per marginal notation, if applicable. Must include a completed Document Summary Sheet.
Certified Copies
Certification Letter $10.00.
Plus each additional page is $1.00 per page; or $2.00 per page through mail
Indexing Fee
$6.00 per name over 5 names for all recorded documents.
Notary Fee
To have a document notarized is a $5 fee.
Please bring a Photo ID which states your current residence.
First Page $40.00 (Includes Abstracting Fee)
Each Additional Page $10.00 (Including Seller’s Residency and Affidavit of Consideration.)
+ Realty Transfer Fee if applicable.
To calculate a RT Fee, call the office at X8300 or X8206
Realty Transfer Fees = $2.00 for the first $500 or part thereof up to $150,000; the fee then increases to $3.35 for each $500 or part thereof over $150,000; the fee then increases to $3.90 for each $500 or part thereof over $200,000.
Deed Corrective (New)
First Page $40.00 (Includes Abstracting Fee)
Original Deed Notation $10.00
Each Additional Page $10.00 (Including Seller’s Residency and Affidavit of Consideration.)
**Must state a reason for correcting on the document.
Deed Re-Recorded (Same)
First Page $40.00 (Includes Abstracting Fee)
Original Deed Notation $10.00
Each Additional Page $10.00 (Including Seller’s Residency and Affidavit of Consideration.)
**Must state a reason for re-recording on the document’s first page.
**Must be re-signed by Grantor’s, Attorney’s Office OR the Title Agency stating the changes and then the signature must be acknowledged.
First Page $40.00 (Includes Abstracting Fee)
Each Additional Page $10.00
Power of Attorney
First Page $30.00
Each Additional Page $10.00
Final Judgments
First Page $40.00 (Includes Abstracting Fee)
Each Additional Page $10.00
Each Notation $10.00
Deed Restrictions
First Page $40.00 (Includes Abstracting Fee)
Each Additional Page $10.00
Each Notation $10.00
First Page $30.00
Each Additional Page $10.00
Mortgage Corrective (New)
First Page $40.00 (Includes Original Mortgage Notation)
Each Additional Page $10.00
**Must state a reason for correcting on the document.
Mortgage Re-Recorded (Same)
First Page $40.00 (Includes Original Mortgage Notation)
Each Additional Page $10.00
**Must state a reason for re-recording on the document’s first page.
**Must be re-signed by Grantor’s, Attorney’s Office OR the Title Agency stating the changes and then the signature must be acknowledged.
Mortgage Assignment, Subordination or Modification
First Page $40.00 (Includes Original Mortgage Notation)
Each Additional Page $10.00
Each Additional Notation $10.00
Mortgage Discharge
First Page $40.00 (Includes Original Mortgage Notation)
Each Additional Page $10.00
Each Additional Notation $10.00
Release of Mortgage
First Page $40.00 (Includes Original Mortgage Notation)
Each Additional Page $10.00
Each Additional Notation $10.00
Cancellation of Mortgage
Complete Original Mortgage $20.00
If any Portion of the Document is Missing or is a Copy of an Original Page, a Discharge of Mortgage must be Recorded, Additional Fees Apply.
Cancellation of a Tax Sale Certificate
Complete Original Tax Sale $20.00
If any Portion of the Document is Missing or is a Copy of an Original Page, a Tax Sale Redemption must be Recorded, Additional Fees Apply.
Tax Sale Certificate
Front & Back of Certificate $40.00
Redemption of Tax Sale
First Page $40.00 (Includes Original Tax Sale Notation)
Each Additional Page $10.00
Each Additional Notation $10.00
Notice of Lis Pendens
First Page $40.00 (Includes Original Tax Sale/Mortgage Notation)
Each Additional Page $10.00
Each Additional Notation $10.00
Discharge Lis Pendens
First Page $40.00 (Includes Original Tax Sale/Mortgage Notation)
Each Additional Page $10.00
Each Additional Notation $10.00
Notice of Settlements
Per Document (2 party) $20.00 Flat Fee
Per Document (3 party) $40.00 Flat Fee
Federal Tax Lien
Filing of Lien $25.00
Release of Lien $25.00
Honorable Discharge/DD 214
No Fee
Inheritance Tax Waivers
Flat Fee $15.00
UCC Financing Statements
All UCC Filings and Name Searches $25.00 Flat Fee
Municipal Recordings
Per Document $8.00
Must be sent in by the Township’s Solicitor OR the Township to be accepted.
Mylar Map $55.00.
2 Mylar’s of each map are required, per N.J.S.A. 46:26A-5(d).
(A paper copy of the map may be included with the Mylar’s and stamped with recording information if requested.)
Trade Names & Amendments
$50 Fee. Cash or Money Order ONLY. Form is created in the office by an employee.
Only for Sole Proprietor’s or General Partnerships. Cannot have the words “Inc.” or “LLC” in the title.
For any further questions concerning Business Registration visit the State of New Jersey’s website atwww.state.nj.us/njbgs or call 1-609-292-9292.
Trade Name Dissolutions
$25 Fee. Cash or Money Order ONLY. Form is created in the office by an employee.
Construction Lien
$15.00 Flat Fee
Notary Public – New, Renewals and Change of Name/Address
State of New Jersey Notary Application Fee $25.
County Clerk’s Office Oath Taking Fee $15. (Driver’s License required.)
Recording and filing fees are set by the State of New Jersey. Please contact the state with any questions.