Archives Room & Holdings

Archives Room
Phone: (856) 935-7510 x8217 || Hours: 8:30am to 4:00pm
Our Archives Room is a repository for archival volumes and documents dating from the late 1600s and newspapers dating back to the early 1800s.
The Archives houses indexes for marriages, naturalization records, Civil War soldiers and more. Historians find the Archives of great interest in their studies of Salem County.

Links & Downloads
To help those who are unable to visit our office.
- Archive Research Request Form – Please complete & return form to County Clerk’s Office.
- Visit the State Archives for online databases and other resources
- Download information about obtaining Genealogical Records in NJ
- Get information about the NJ Open Public Records Act (OPRA)
- Download OPRA Request Form (PDF)
Records we hold
We have records dating as far back as 1698, as detailed below. Please note that this is a general list and subject to change and update without notice.
- Deeds (1715 – 1721)
Deeds (1796 – Present) separate index - Unrecorded Deeds
Mortgages (1796 – present)
Chattel Mortgages (1830-1970)
Conditional Sales (Sheriff Sales)
Searches (1894-1922)
Tax Maps (last few years, only) - Early Roads (1698-1792)
General Property Parcel Maps
State Road Maps
- Marriage Records (1699-1912)
- Naturalization Records (1808-1958)
- Slaves & Indentures (1793-1845)
- Oaths of Office (1750-1986)
- Voting Lists
- Blind & Crippled
- Ear Marks (1707-1838)
- Physicians Licenses (1854-1997)
- Firemen Exemptions (1897-1999)
- Firearm Permits
- Bastards (Early 1700’s)
- Unpaid Taxes (1879-1919)
- Coroners Inquests (1790-1850)
- Alms House Records (1813-1930)
- Veterinary Register (1895-1942)
- Constables (1802-1835)
- Pharmacists (1877)
- Dentists (1886-1889)
- Notary Public (1829-1963)
- Original Copies of Local Newspapers (1848-March 1991)
- Microfilm Copies (1819-September 2002)
- Oyer – Terminer (1821-1869)
- Quarter Sessions (1706-1956)
- Criminal Court (1898-1956)
- Circuit Court (1821-1947)
- Indictments
- Allegations
- Accusations
- Warrants
- Civil Court Records (1706-1950)
- Superior Court
- Court of Common Pleas
- Court of Chancery (1851-1959)
- Dockets
- Executions (1778-1939)
- Captions
- Judgments (1810-1951)
- Tavern Licenses (1740-1913)
- Freeholder’s Minutes (1724-1995)
- Business Names/Owners (1807-Present)
- Insolvent Debtors (1700’s & on)
- Discharges
- Civil War Records
- Revolutionary War Records
- Grave Registrations
Records not held by County Clerk
Birth records are kept in the Vital Statistics office of the municipality where born. Marriage Certificates are in the municipality where the marriage was held. Please see our Municipalities page for contact information.
Download the Salem Standard and Jerseyman as published on November 10, 1932 proclaiming Franklin Roosevelt victor in the 1932 presidential election.
A sketch of the Salem County Courthouse as seen in 1740.
The Old Courthouse is located in Salem, NJ on the corner of Market Street and Broadway.