Wedding Ceremony IMPORTANT! The form below must be completed and approved by the Salem County Clerk before date and time of ceremony is confirmed. Proposed Date of Ceremony(Required) Proposed Time of Ceremony(Required) Name of Partner #1(Required) Name of Partner #2(Required) Email(Required) Cell Phone(Required)WHERE WILL THE WEDDING TAKE PLACE Old Salem County Courthouse - 113 Market St., Salem, NJ 08079 (Park and enter from the back of the building) Other (please specify below) If Other, Location with Address WHAT TO BRINGMarriage License (4 parts) and two (2) WitnessesWitness #1 Witness #2 Will you be writing your own vows? Yes No Will rings be exchanged? Yes No KEEPSAKE MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE: How would you like the certificate prepared? Examples: John and Laura Smith ◆ John Smith and Laura Brown-Smith ◆ John Smith and Laura BrownPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ